16-bit wide Registers

Register Description
X The X Register is primarily used to load a 16-bit wide value from two 8-bit values. The lower byte of the X Register can be accessed through the 8-bit wide XL Register, and the upper byte of the X Register can be accessed through the 8-bit wide XH Register.
M The M Register stores the 16-bit wide memory address when data is accessed from the SRAM memory through the LOAD and STORE instructions.
J The J register stores the 16-bit wide memory address of the new Program Counter when performing conditional (JZ, JNS, JNC, JNZ) and unconditional jumps (JMP).
Y A General Purpose Register that can store 16-bit of data.
Z A General Purpose Register that can store 16-bit of data.
BP The Base Pointer, which is used during Stack operations.
SP The Stack Pointer, which is used during Stack operations.
PC The Program Counter, which stores the memory address of the next instruction to execute. It is incremented during the Fetch- and Increment Cycle.

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